Tuesday, December 24, 2013

January Walk on's and more,

"Up coming Walk on's and more"

    The Rock Hound is planning to fish, 
The Rock Fish Shoot Out.

We're giving walk on Anglers a chance
 to get in on the Tournament Action. 

The cost per Angler will be $275.00

Walk on cost includes the following;
 Charter Fee
 Tournament Fee
Winner take all fee
 Breakfast Ticket
 Banquet Ticket

Boat gets 50% of all winning's.
Anglers get 50% of all winning's, 
to be divide 6 ways between Anglers

Tournament Walk on;      Friday 1/10/14;      6 open spots

Tournament Walk on;    Saturday 1/11/14;    6 open spots 

For more info or the book a charter
Call Capt. Pete

Monday, December 23, 2013

Moving to Rudee Inlet

   Rock Hound Charters move's to  
"Virginia Beach Fishing Center" 
Starting January 1st.

Like in past years, the Rock Hound is moving closer to 
the winter fishing action. The move gives us more time 
fishing and less time running to the fishing grounds.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Happy Holidays

"Happy Holidays"

    Rock Hound Charters would like to wish a safe and "Happy Holiday Season" to all our friends and  family.

   Another year is coming to a close, and to those who 
have had there up's and down's this past year a wish
you a better upcoming year. 

 Peace in your heart, Peace in your home, and Peace on earth. 

"Happy Holidays"
Capt. Pete Esgro

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Can't hook up if you don't Go

"The Best 2 weeks of the year are Here"

        The next 2 weeks, from Dec. 15th to Jan.1st has always 
been the prime time to catch that Trophy Rock Fish. Over the 
past 2 years rocks up to 65 Lbs have been boated during this 
2 week stretch.

     The past few days the bite has been off, but there were a 
 hand full of nice fish boated this weekend. Reports of fish 
being marked though out the Eastern Shore waters, but very
little takers.

     There are fish here, the bite will turn on. So, with that said, 
you can't catch them sitting on the couch. For all the up coming
Charters the Rock Hound is going to give a discount for all the week day "Walk On" angler till Dec.31st.

Up coming Walk on Dates;

Sunday   12/22     Day Charter       Canceled 

Friday   12/27     Day Charter     Fully Booked

         Plus Mate's Tip, 15% to 20% is the norm 

For more info or to Book a Charter 
call Capt. Pete at

Saturday, December 7, 2013

"Time for the rods to Bend"

    The Rock Hound adjustment this past week worked well. We
put Rocks in the past few days from 34' to 37''. Most of the bites
were in the afternoon to sundown, but there were reports from other Charter Captains of early morning hook ups. 

   Got a report Saturday morning from Jet Ski Brain who braved
the winds and 3 to 4 foot waves. He had fished the area we have
been hitting the past few days and boated 3 nice rock fish up to
47" range.

    So, this upcoming week, we only have a few weather days to 
fish, and we have a few walk on spots available;

For more info or to book a trip
Call Capt. Pete at;

Monday, December 2, 2013

"New Game Plan Adjustment"

Hello Anglers, 
   well the Rock Hound has been fishing hard as always, and the results have not been up to par. And to my charters from the
last week, I've giving them all a discount on there next booking. 

   The time of the bite going off this weekend has been after the
Rock Hound was heading back to the dock. So we are going to
start our charters a little later so we can stay out for the late
bite. We plan to run some afternoon/evening charters this week
as well.

   The fish are here, and there numbers are increasing every 
day. The water temps are ideal, and with the little warm up
coming this week will insure they don't drop to fast. It's only
the 2nd of Dec. and the big Bay bite is right on time from here 
to Jan. 1st.

For more info or to book a charter 

Call Capt. Pete at


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

There getting BIGGER

"There getting Bigger"

With the cold sap we have had this past week, has
triggered the bigger rock fish to start biting. Fish in
the 40" to 44" were boated this past weekend. The night
bite has been better than the day bite for sure. Casting 
jigs on the incoming tide produced rocks in the 24" up
to 36" class, and 1 nice fish over 40". Casting eels is 
starting to get under way, reports of rocks in the 32" to 
44" class were boated this past weekend. The season is 
now under way, and will get better every day.

The RockHound will now start doing what she knows 
best, live bait fishing for Trophy Rock Fish. We are
now going to start our night charters .

We will be running walk on charters 
next Friday and Saturday night. 

For more info or to book a charter 

Call Capt. Pete at


Monday, November 11, 2013

Recon Weekend Report

"Recon Weekend Report"

    The Rock Hound and 3 other fellow Captains were involved
in this weekends recon trips. We all had an area to fish, both day and night trips.

    This report starts on Friday night, the area the CBBT. With 
 the incoming tide, the bite started slow. Than as the tide started ripping the rock fish turned on, 3 anglers C&R over 30 fish from 18" up to 32" in 1 hour.  

   Saturday morning, 1 Captain fished the CBBT, and 1 the JRB area. The CBBT report was very slow, from casting eels, jigs and
swim baits only produced only 3 rocks all morning. Started trolling with stretch's  from the 4th island down to the 2nd on
the ocean side. Marked lots of bait and schools of fish, but never
got a bite.

  The JRB area did fairly well Saturday morning, boating rocks,
puppy drum and specks. 

  Today back at the 3rd island, the bite I've been waiting for to turn on. Rock Fish in the 36" class showed up and biting. After
about 45 min. 16 rocks from 26" to 36".

  The fish are here, seems the bite as been on the incoming tide
both day and night. The temps are around 58 at the CBBT, and
coming down. Next weekend with the temps dropping, the fishing will be better than this past weekend. 

  Tight Lines,
Capt. Pete

Monday, November 4, 2013

Weekend Recon Trip

"Weekend Recon Report"

Headed out at 7 AM Saturday morning for the CBBT,
started casting into the rocks on the 4th island. Water temp
was 64* with 1 to 2 foot swells and no bait on the screen. 

Moved over to the 3rd island, and  picked up 2-18" rocks
and missed 1. There was a bite at 2nd island, just not what
I was looking for. After 4 hours boated 6 rocks all under
20" and 4 Tog's all shorty's. Need this cold front coming 
threw to bring the temps down and the fish up north. 

Tight Lines,
Capt. Pete

Friday, November 1, 2013

Walk on Trip info

Rock Hound Charters

Hello Anglers,
We offer walk on Trips for both day and night charters for the upcoming fall/winter lower Bay Trophy rock fish season. We know at times its hard to get 6 fellow anglers together to fill a charter, so let me fill the empty spots for you. the best way to get info and updates for our walk on trips is to get on our E-Mail walk on list. 

To receive walk on info, send us an E-Mail at; rockhoundcharters@gmail.com 

Put Walk on in subject line, let us know what days would work best for you.

Tight Lines,
Capt. Pete

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

“Rock Hound Charters”
Fishing the lower Chesapeake Bay and Offshore waters of VA.Click image for larger version. 

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The Rock Hound is now booking charters for the Bay rock fish season.

We specialize in light tackle live bait Trophy rock fish action.
Click image for larger version. 

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Caption Pete runs both day and night time Bay charter’s to Dec. 31st.
The Rock Hound offers Walk on trips weekly.

Click image for larger version. 

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ID: 91330 Click image for larger version. 

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For more info or to book a charter ,
Call Caption Pete

Monday, October 21, 2013

"Rock Hound Charters"

"Now offering discounts on Charters Monday to Thursday"
"Rock Fish 
Special. Book 3 Bay Walk on's and the 4th is FREE"

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Rock Fish Schoolie Action

"Schoolie Action Heating up"

I've been getting some fishing reports from the James River
 area. The bite of schoolie size Rock Fish is starting to heat up. 

The size range of the Rock Fish action is from 18" up to 28'' being landed. The night bite is very productive, and the chucking bite is just starting. The Rock Hound will be out there this week doing  some recon fishing, and will have a day time pattern down shortly.

We will begin running day and night time charters this weekend.

For more info call Capt Pete 


Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Let's go Fishing"

"Time to go Fishing"

Hello Anglers, well it's time to put some meat in the freezer. 
The Rock Hound is now running charters for Tog and Black 
Sea Bass  to the Triangle wreck's.

We will be running charter to the Triangles this 
Saturday 10/05, this will be a walk on charter.

To start the season off right, Rock Hound Charters is 
"Now offering discounts on Charters Monday to Thursday and a Rock Fish Special, fish on 3 Walk on charters
and the 4th Bay Walk on is FREE"

Open Walk on Dates;
                                                        Cost per Angler       Openings
 Saturday 10/5 Triangle Wrecks;         Canceled 

We will depart from Salt Ponds Marina at 4:30 AM
and return to dock side around 4:00 PM

For more info or to book a Charter call
Capt. Pete


Monday, September 9, 2013

"Yep, Gearing up for the Fall Rock Fish Season"

"The Rock Hound is Ready"

   During the past 5 month's, we haven't been on the water
much due to family matters.We have been getting a lot of E-Mails this week regarding the upcoming Rock Fish season. And yes, we are ready to fill the fish box. 

     For the month's of Oct. and Nov., we will be fishing for multiple species. (More meat in the fish box).

     I'm happy to announce we will be offering discounted      rate's on Monday though Thursday Charters.

   And  like in the past, we will be offering walk on's for day and night charters. 

   Please contact Capt. Pete at,
 757-256-6305  or
for more info.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Togging on the Rock Hound

"Well Worth the Wait"

    Well the Rock Hound has been trying to get back on the 
water just about every weekend sense January. The weather
 seems to be at it's worse come Saturday for the pass 7 weeks.

We arrived at the Triangles at about 7 AM, dropped anchor
and lines in. Within about 5 min. Chip gets the first bite and
it's a rod bender, his 11 lb 10 oz Tog goes in the fish box.

   The bite was steady all morning, from tog to black sea bass
and yes dog fish as well. This was Tommy's first tasted of salt water fishing, he did very well and can't wait to get back out.

Chip was having a good day fishing, seems no matter what
side of the boat he fished on, was the HOT side.

         Then later in the day with about 5 min. left to fish, Chip's
      rod bends over again. Amazing another paper for chip, this
      one even bigger than his morning paper. It weighed in at 
     12 lbs 8 oz, Chips 3 fish limit was over 30 lbs today.

         Our mate today Brandon, dropped a rod down right 
        where Chip was fishing and gets rewarded. 

Brandon has been fishing his whole young life (from the age of 3) and this was his first Tog paper 24 1/2" C&R. Mates fish a lot but never get to fish much,  congats Brandon. 

All an all it was a good day on the water, lets just hope
the weather keeps giving us the chance to get out there
and have more days like this one. 

The Rock Hound has Walk on's for Saturday 3/30
Departing at 4:30 am from Salt Ponds Marina, heading
to the Triangles. This is a Tog Charter, we will return
back at the dock by 4:30AM  $50.00 deposit required. 

Call Capt. Pete at 757-256-6305

Monday, March 11, 2013

Deep Drop Canyon meat Run

Deep Drop Meat Run

Hello Anglers,
  Don't know about you but, man I'm dying to get out on the water. And the weather for this Saturday, 3/16/13 is looking great. 2 to 3 footers every 10 sec. is the forecast as of now. 

   So, plan is a Meat Run, will depart from Salt Ponds Marina at 3 AM and head to the Norfolk Canyon for some Deep Drop Action. We will be returning back to the dock by 5 PM. 

  Cost is $235.00 per Angler, a deposit of $50.00 to book a spot is needed. 

Go to; http://www.rockhoundcharters.com/rates.html 
to make deposit.

Call Capt. Pete 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Come on

"This Weather Sucks"

This makes it 3 bad weekends in a row. Our next try
 offshore will be Mar. 9th, keep your fingers crossed.

Call Capt. Pete to book a charter today

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Offshore Charters

"Walk On's for this Saturday and Sunday"

We will be running deep drop charter on
Saturday 2/23 to the Norfolk Canyon.

Have 1 open spot, cost $225.00

We are running Triangle wreck charter 
on Sunday 2/24.

Have 4 open spots, cost $175.00

$50.00 deposit required.

Call Capt. Pete to book a trip today.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Offshore Line Up

"Offshore Line Up"
Welcome Anglers,
   "Rock Hound Charters" is now gearing up for some offshore
adventures. We are now doing Deep Drop trips to the Norfolk
Canyon, as well as some Triangle wreck trips. With the Black 
Sea Bass Season coming to a close on Feb. 28th its time to get some meat in the freezer. 

     We are now up dating our Walk On list for the 2013 season. And if you would like to be on our list, send an E-Mail to; rockhoundcharters@gmail.com and put "walk on list" in the subject line. Along with your name and contact number. 

     We plan to run offshore charters to the Norfolk Canyon
on Saturday's, and will depart at 3 AM and return at 5 PM.
Sundays charters will be wreck fishing at the Triangles, we
will depart at 5 AM and return at 4 PM. And YES we do run charters during the week as well. 

 We are also keeping a close eye on the water temps out
in the gulf stream, and when the blue fin tuna start heading
north we will be ready. And before we know it, its yellow fin 
tuna action. 

        Our goal this year is to keep on the fish offshore, by
getting out to the blue water as much as we can. So its time
to turn up the heat, "let's go fishing".

        Charter Location       Full charter         Walk on
       Offshore/Canyon;        $1300.00             $225.00
       Triangles, wreck;        $1000.00             $175.00

    Call Capt. Pete to book a date today at;